Online vs Offline Marketing

May 22, 202418 mins read

The choice for online or offline marketing is of course always up to you as the owner of your business. In this blog, we'd like to give you an insight into the biggest pros and cons of online and offline marketing.


In this week's blog, we're going to look at the differences between online and offline marketing and where these two can still reinforce each other, even in this day and age. We're happy to explain how you can combine the best of both worlds. If you can't quite figure it out, we're always here to help you and your business.

The choice for online or offline marketing is of course always up to you as the owner of your business. In this blog, we'd like to give you an insight into the biggest pros and cons of online and offline marketing.

What is online marketing?

Let's start with a clear explanation of what online marketing is. Online marketing is, as the name suggests, a form of marketing that uses the Internet. Online marketing is a rapidly growing sector and now has many specializations. For example:

This is just a small selection of the endless possibilities that online marketing has to offer

What is offline marketing

Offline marketing are ways to bring your company to the attention, without having to use the internet. For example, think of advertisements in a magazine or a commercial on TV or the radio. You could also choose to hand out flyers or brochures of your company. The most important form of offline marketing is still word-of-mouth advertising. In this way, you create a very strong foundation for your company. Word-of-mouth advertising is still seen as one of the most successful forms of marketing

The growth of online marketing

Despite the fact that online marketing has been an indispensable part of our society for quite some time, this sector continues to grow incredibly fast. The simple explanation for this lies in the digitalization of our society. Children today are almost interwoven with the digital world. Something only has to happen and within a few minutes it is on social media.

Children, and adults too, cannot go a minute without their mobile phone these days. The online marketing industry is flourishing because of this. Because almost everyone now realizes that the online marketing industry is an essential part of the growth of his or her company, you will really have to distinguish yourself. Would you like to brainstorm about a challenging online marketing issue? Our specialists are happy to speak to you and help where necessary

The benefits of online marketing

Of course, the most important thing for you as an entrepreneur. What are the real benefits of online marketing? We will gladly explain that to you in this paragraph. We will list all the benefits for you and if you need help with something, you can contact one of our specialists directly

#1. Measuring = knowing

Online marketing offers the huge advantage of being incredibly insightful. Using various tools and systems, you can actually see all the results of your campaigns, your website and your advertisements. Using tools such as Google Analytics, you can set goals that you can then follow. Do your campaigns yield enough to achieve your goals? If not, where are the pain points? All of this is immediately visible using online marketing. This way, you can quickly switch and continue to optimize your campaigns and advertisements

#2. The price

The price of online advertising is many times cheaper than the price of offline advertising. To emphasize this, I would like to give you the following example. An advertisement via a flyer is quickly an investment of 500 euros. You then have a flyer of less than A4, not full color and you have no idea how many people you actually reach with this. If you invest exactly the same amount in a Facebook campaign, you can easily reach 40,000 people. In addition, on Facebook you can determine exactly which group of people will see your advertisement, which is much more efficient

#3. Remarketing

Imagine spending an afternoon handing out flyers outside your business premises. A day later, you go and stand in exactly the same place. How likely is it that you will meet exactly the same people? Indeed, not very likely. Remarketing is an extremely effective marketing strategy. This way, you target people who have already come into contact with your company. By using online marketing, this is much easier. You can create lists and target groups within Facebook or Google Ads that consist of previous website visitors.

You can even go so far as to target people who have visited a specific page on your website. These people will then see your advertisement again. Very effective! Are you curious about the possibilities that remarketing can offer your company? Our specialists will be happy to help you

The best of both worlds and the conclusion

However, don't write off offline marketing completely! Earlier in this blog we already told you about word-of-mouth advertising. This is and remains one of the most effective ways of marketing. Good word-of-mouth advertising can almost only be achieved by maintaining a good company image. Do you help customers well, quickly and effectively? Then there is a good chance that the customer is satisfied and will share this with his or her network. You can give your own word-of-mouth advertising a little push in the right direction. For example, you could ask satisfied customers for a review or to mention you during an event.

We can therefore conclude that it is more profitable today to shift your marketing budget towards online marketing activities.

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